We use facebook in daily life. We chat with our friends,share pictures,share videos,comments and many more…to make facebooking more interesting  we can use many tricks in facebook.This all tricks are make your hard work on facebook easy like adding all friends in group at one click.So check out this facebook Tricks.

1. How to add all Friends to Facebook Group :

So this is a tutorial on how to add all your friends in a facebook page in just a few steps. So if you are an admin of a facebook group which has less members then you might have a hard time to add all your friends one by one and which is a very  hard job. So, to help all you facebook group admins out, we share you an unique script with which you can add all your friends to the group. 

2. Message all Friends Automatically on Facebook :

So this is a tutorial on how to message all your fb friends in just few steps..You might have understood that we are going to message all friends automatically with help of a script which i will be providing you.All that i can say about this script is that it's amazing.It not even send MSG to friends but also to all those to whom you are following. Isn't it cool? .Yeah,it can help you to promote your Facebook Pages, to get visitors to your website,to get views to your YouTube videos, to get more likes on your statues and many other promotional things.

3. Online FB ID Finder Tool :

When creating a Facebook account, the system automatically assigns the user an identification number, known as the Facebook ID. Facebook allows the user replace their ID with username. If you are using a custom username for your Facebook profile or page, then unique profile ID will not appear. Many tutorials give you an instruction by clicking right mouse on image profile to find your unique ID. Now I will tell you even easier to find your Facebook profile ID.  Every Facebook profile, and Facebook Fan Page, has an associated ID number. 

4. Update Facebook Status via  a any Device :

 I don't have an iPhone 5 but i can still update my fb status via iPhone 5.
We are not a millionaire so we don't have a list of smart devices .But you think like a hacker
you can do it .You can show of your friend that you have a smart device ,in your fb status show via a device.When your friends see your fb status they were shocked. Now you can update status via difference devices ranging from android phone to iPhone . From now on, no need to feel upset when your friend updates status from his expensive gadgets.

5. Invite all Facebook Friends for FB Page :

Selecting & inviting all of your friends in an event can be a tedious task, especially if you have more than 1,000 friends to send invitations to.

Luckily, this trick that allows users to select/invite all of their friends in an event or an app – with just one click.

How to Do it:

1)       Open Firefox and go to your Facebook page to invite all friends to like your page.

2)       Select “All Friends” instead of “Recent Interaction” so that you can invite all friends to your page. Scroll down till all of your friends are shown in the page.

3)       Press Ctrl+Shift+K and a small window will appear at bottom.

4)       Paste the below code in it and click enter.

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i < elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};

Hacks and Tricks like the above, should always be attempted using caution. We are not aware of anyone ever getting in trouble for using the above Hacks, but in some cases they do bypass the intended functionality of Facebook, so be careful.


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