Warning : This tutorial is for educational purpose only

Before this tutorial i posted a basic tutorial on phishing, but in this tutorial i will teach you how to make a phishing page that is undetectable and can bypass security check of a hosting site
How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)
What you need :
1) Notepad++ for programming (Download : http://www.notepad-plus-plus.org/download)
Steps :
Use Notepad++ for the steps given below
1) Copy this code and paste it in a new document and save it as index.php
2) Copy this code and paste it in a new document and save it as Follow.jpg (Code Not By ME)
                                           Top 5 Websites For Hackers
                                        Hack Any Whatsapp Accounts
3) Copy this code and paste it in a new document and save it as data.php
4) Copy this code and paste it in a new document and save it as SoftwareDownload.jpg
5) Keep all above files in a single folder and name it as “xyz” (Anything you want)
6) Now create a folder inside that folder (“xyz“) and name it as “images” (Put exact name)
7) Download these images and put it inside “images
Image 1 : http://bit.ly/1qE96mr
Image 2 : http://bit.ly/1Gjyh1o
Now if you followed all the steps carefully, It will look similar to this :
How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)
Now create a zip of it
How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)
How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)

8) Now crate a account in any free web hosting site
I prefer 000webhost.com : http://www.000webhost.com/

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10) Click on “File Manager
How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)
 11) Go to “public_html” and click on “upload
How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)

12) Below “Archives” section click on “Choose file

13 Select the zip file (Which you have created above)

14 Click on the “green tick

How to make a Phishing page (Advance) (Undetectable)

15) Done!!! Now you can share the URL with your friends. Share it like this:
Where “YOUR_PASSWORD” = The one you changed above

Note :
1) Before sharing it with your friends, shorten it with bitly (Link : https://bitly.com). That way it can be less suspicious. If you like this tutorial then you can share this page OR you can like us on Facebook page.


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