List of Websites That Offer Cheap .Com Domain
In the previous post I have given you a step by step procedure of creating a blog or website and reasons for buying a custom domain for it. The time taken for search engine bots to find and crawl your website also depends on your domain name. A website with short and good domain name attracts search engine bots soon when compared to websites having long web addresses.Moreover it would be nice to tell your blog address with .Com instead of And coming to the custom domains the most frequently used custom domain is .Com
. Think once, have you ever entered .Net or .Org after the name of the website in the address bar? The answer is sometimes or never. Well most of us consider .Com rather than .Net or .Org. So it would be better buying just .Com and no the other domains. If you are interested in buying other domains like .net .org .in then it would cost more and more. My suggestion is to buy only .Com domain. Usually a .Com domain costs 500-700 Rupees per one year which includes domain privacy(not letting other people to copy the domain). But it is too much budget for a beginner. What if a domain costs 50-150 Rupees for an year? Excellent it would be, isn't it? So here in this guide i will give you a list of websites that offer domains for only 50-150 Rupees per year. And note this offer is only for new users and not valid for old users.

List of Websites That Offer Cheap .Com Domain

NAME          .COM PRICE         PROS.               VISIT

1) Go                       $2.49                   Largest most popular                  HERE
                                                                                       domain register.                      

2) Network Solutions                 $0.99               Huge extension list and                    HERE
                                                                     user-friendly Domain Marketplace.

3)                        $0.50                  Simple, easy registration.              HERE
                                                                              Great interface.     

4)               $0.75                  No-Frills Registration                     HERE

5)                        $1.57                     Many payment methods              HERE

I suggest you to go with Bigrock because it offers you many payment methods and even if you don't have a credit or debit card you can pay offline through cheque,demand draft or direct deposit.


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