Dear Users....


One Of The Best Tutorial For Noobs ...

How to Card Mobile Phones Of 40-50k From MobileBest Easy Tutorial...

*Just Keep Any Vpn ...Hma Recommended Or Any Paid Vpn But if You Can't Purchase...Then Contact Me Iwill give premium Vpn....

*Then Download Proxy Droid From PlayStore.....

*Get Some Premium Socks 5 From me  (Because Free will rarely connect)

*Go to proxy Droid...Create new Profile...Add Your Socks 5 proxy & Port & Connect after Connection Vpn....Note:- Remeber Connect vpn to same country of cc owner & Socks 5 should be same of that country & City...

*For Free Cc....Go to Blackstuff.....Then Free Cc....Search mY nAme their 'BlackHat' You will Get Many threads OfMine....Many of Cc are dead...but Yestrday i posted thier mAy be some are active.

*Connct Vpn & Proxy Droid ...get cc...then Open Google chrome ( mobile browser) Go to chrome settings..privacy....Enable Do not track.

*Then ...Search Dx.Com ....Go to is best Cardable Sites in mobile....

*Make A fake Gmail Related with Cc owner name...let Cc owner name - Mark Volp...then like this...

*Then Add A product below 50k Then Go to checkout....Make sure vpn Conncted...socks5 Conncted....Put Credit card...cvv...& expiry date & Year...

*Complete payment...Dont Give your Indian number As if you are noob....

*Chck your email if order placed First Close tab & Browser then disconnct vpn....Remember ...when go to track...connct your vpn & Socks5..,,,Othrwise order willbe Canceled

Any Qweries....ContactUs...



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